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Health Center

Important Health Notes from the Nurse:


Please note that students may be tested for vision and hearing throughout the school year.

School Health Handbook


The control of communicable disease during the school year is a difficult problem and a grave responsibility. The first responsibility must fall upon the home as parents know the normal appearance of their children and should be the first to detect signs of illness. The following rules will help control communicable diseases in the community. 


1. Do not send your child if he/she has a fever of 100 or greater, diarrhea, vomiting, unexplained rash or cough. Please check student each day before school.  

2. Do not send a sick child to school for the nurse to decide whether he/she should be in school. If in any doubt, call the family physician.

3. If your child is sick, reduce contact with other family members.


Keep your child home until temperature and symptoms have been normal for 24 hours and all symptoms have resolved without the need for medication to reduce it. Normal temperature is about 98.6 F. 


All ill children MUST be picked up within one hour of detected illness. There is limited space available for ill children, and contact with other students and staff must be limited. Please keep emergency information current along with several people who can help in the event that a parent is not able to pick student up. Ill children may not attend or stay at school for any reason. 


Children are not allowed at school if they have lice. Please use an appropriate treatment to remove all lice and as many nits as possible prior to sending your child back to school. 


Any prescribed medications to be administered at school must be accompanied by DVUSD doctors order form stating how medication should be administered at school, the medication with a label from the pharmacy that clearly shows students name, dosage and instructions, and a clear expiration date, and finally, a consent to dispense form signed by parent. (Doctors order form may be obtained from nurse.) Parent must bring medication in to nurse at Desert Mountain and sign consent form.


Nebulizer treatments can be administered at school. If a child is to use an inhaler, please provide a spacer.