Important Forms (Allergies, Seizures, etc.)
Does your student have an allergy? If so, please fill out the form below. It is important that we know what happens with the allergy and how bad their reaction is.
Does your student need an EpiPen or AuviQ? If so, please bring in your child's emergency medication and the form below, we will fill out the medication permission slip in the health office together.
*If you would like your student to sit at a Nut Free Table in the cafeteria please contact the nurse.
Has your child ever had a seizure? It is very important that we have a seizure plan on file at school.
Note: to open the form you need just click on the underlined link and it will open the form. For example: if you need the seizure care plan just click on the underlined words "Seizure Care Plan (Parent fills out)".