Supply List
Third Grade 2023-2024 Supply List
3-ring Binder (2 inch)
3-ring Binder (1/2 inch)
4 single subject spiral notebooks- wide rule
1 Sturdy 2 pocket Folder
1 black and white composition notebook- wide rule
Pencil Box or Pencil Pouch
Pencils- sharpened
Post-it Notes (different colors)
1 Pack of Index cards
Small Pack of Crayons
Colored Pencils &/or Markers
Sharpener for colored pencils
Dry Erase Markers Assorted Colors
Black Sharpies
Small eraser for White Boards
Large Pack of Glue sticks
Scotch tape
Headphones (labeled)
Third Grade Angels Book by Jerry Spinelli (see pic)
Community Supplies:
Clorox or Lysol Wipes
Ziploc bags – gallon, two gallon, quart, etc.
Plastic Sheet Protectors
Paper towels
Individual wrapped snacks
Jolly Ranchers
Dum Dums lollipops